Engaging a bookkeeper can be scary for a lot of small business owners. Most of you are flat out keeping things moving forward especially in uncertain times.

Bookkeeping is most likely something you are doing yourself to save money and that’s very common. The problem is, as a small business owner you are probably running the show alone and there are other things on the top of your priority list so sometimes bookkeeping gets pushed to the bottom! Before you know it, months have passed. Your books are messy, you have no idea where you’re at financially and you might even feel overwhelmed and embarrassed. That’s perfectly ok. I have worked with people in this position. The good news is it can be fixed.

Here’s where I can help you!

#1 Business Growth – As your business grows, so too will the transactions and records. I can take on the day to day tasks, reconciling, invoicing, chasing payments, payroll, BAS preparation and lodgement. How productive and effective would you be in your business if you could just focus on what you’re great at and what you are really passionate about?

#2 Time & Money Saving – As a small business owner there is never enough time to achieve everything is there? You’re so busy and constantly trying to find the time to do anything, that the important stuff might be left until the last minute or even deferred, like BAS lodgment or Super payments. Late lodgements mean costly penalties! I can get your business up to date and save you money by ensuring bills are paid on time and avoiding any late payments fees etc. Up to date accurate data can help you deal with banks and other lenders. It will also save you money with your accountant! They will no longer have to wade through inaccurate records spending time correcting errors.

#3 Stress Free Peace of Mind – As a qualified bookkeeper and BAS Agent my services will leave you in a stress free state when it comes to your books. Lodging your own BAS can be tricky if it’s incorrect or overdue. Using a BAS Agent means you get extra time to lodge too! There are lots of bookkeepers out there and not all of them have to play by the rules. I am governed by the Tax Practitioners Board, qualified, insured and am required to keep my studies up every year. This minimum standard will give you peace of mind and help you sleep at night!

So make today the day you stop stressing over your books and start planning your business future.

Call me 0480 421 936 or email info@steadfastbookkeeping.com.au